
about calculation CALCULATION DOWNLOAD

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We follow many international codes and standards to design and validate pressure vessels, heat exchangers and air coolers.

We are capable of carrying out all necessary calculations and analysis for a broad range of applications. We make thermal, process, mechanical and FEA calculations according to the latest version of codes and good engineering practice.

Our experienced engineers use up-to-date software to produce reliable results. Each calculation is evaluated using at least 2 renowned software packages to ensure the highest quality of output results and to provide greater security.

  • HTRI Xchanger Suite
  • Compress
  • PVElite / CodeCalc
  • AutoPIPE Vessel / Microprotol
  • FEPipe / NozzlePRO
  • Finglow software
  • VES / RToD software
  • TechnoSoft AMETank
  • Dlubal software
  • Hitard in-house software
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According to the latest international codes and standards:

  • ASME VIII Div. 1 & 2
  • Eurocodes / EN 13445
  • AD-2000 Regelwerk
  • CODAP Div. 1 & 2
  • BS codes / PD 5500
  • AS-1210 S1 & S2
  • ASME B31.3 Process Piping
  • GOST 34233 Standards
  • RToD / Stoomwezen
  • TEMA & API Standards
  • PED 2014/68/EU Regulations

Proposal Support

Situations occur where clients receive many proposals but do not have the capacity anymore to process them. In that case Hitard can provide assistance in preparing the proposals and the technical requisitions.

We will follow the client’s guidelines to prepare the necessary information to complete the documentation:

  • Construction type
  • Material selection & PMA's
  • Wall thickness calculation
  • Setting plan & Shopping list
  • Requisition preparation
  • Engineering man-hours or lump-sum cost

The client, using the information prepared by Hitard, goes out for bids and receives the pricing from manufacturers.

Based on the services and information prepared by Hitard, you can quickly assess the overall complexity of the equipment construction and calculate the total cost in materials and in man-hours, and do the final pricing.

Due to our know-how and most renowed computer software we are capable of providing bid calculations within 24 hours, based on your datasheets, with accuracies suitable for your budget estimations so that you can respond fast to client quotations requests.

Calculation Samples

Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Thermal Design
Bid Phase / Setting Plan
Bid Phase / Sectional
Bid Phase / Baffles
Bid Phase / Shopping List
Bid Phase / Shopping List
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 1/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 2/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 3/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 4/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 5/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 6/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 7/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 8/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 9/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 10/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 11/12
Bid Phase / Thermal Design 12/12
Bid Phase / Setting Plan
Bid Phase / Sectional
Bid Phase / Baffles
Bid Phase / Shopping List 1/2
Bid Phase / Shopping List 2/2